Hellenic Army Other Ranks rank insignia

This article describes the military rank insignia used by the other ranks (Warrant Officers, professional and enlisted Non-commissioned officers and ordinary privates) of the Hellenic Army.



NATO Code OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
No Equivalent Arm/corps insignia only
Anthypaspistis [1]
Μόνιμος Αρχιλοχίας
Monimos Archilochias
Μόνιμος Επιλοχίας
Monimos Epilochias
Μόνιμος Λοχίας
Monimos Lochias
Lochias EPOP-EMTh
Δεκανέας ΕΠΟΠ-ΕΜΘ
Dekaneas EPOP-EMTh
Δεκανέας ΟΒΑ
Dekaneas OVA
Υποδεκανέας ΟΒΑ
Ypodekaneas OVA
Στρατιώτης ΕΠΟΠ/ΟΒΑ
Stratiotis EPOP/OVA
No Equivalent No Equivalent No Equivalent No Equivalent No Insignia
Δόκιμος Έφεδρος Αξιωματικός
Dokimos Efedros Axiomatikos [1]
Υποψήφιος Έφεδρος Βαθμοφόρος
Ypopsifios Efedros Bathmoforos

Notes for Warrant officer ranks

Notes for NCOs and Enlisted ranks

See also


  1. ^ a b Greece has only one level of Warrant Officer. According to the current issue (2010) of STANAG 2116, the Greek Warrant Officers are included in OR-9, however they are afforded the privileges of an officer. A regular Warrant Officer (Ανθυπασπιστής) is of the same rank but senior to a draftee warrant officer (ΔΕΑ), which is a temporary appointment before being commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Reserve. See STANAG 2116 note 30.
  2. ^ a b ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΝΟΝΙΣΜΟΣ 20-1 (Greek Army Military Rulebook 20-1)
  3. ^ http://www.army.gr/stoles_gallery/images/Credentials/res-2.jpg
  4. ^ http://www.ellinikos-stratos.com/thiteia/dea_5.asp

External links